News list for " 3585"

35.85 million BLUR unlocked yesterday was transferred to Coinbase Prime 7 hours ago

According to Ember Monitor, 35.85 million BLUR unlocked yesterday was transferred to Coinbase Prime 7 hours ago.

2024-07-17 08:22:05
昨天解锁的3585万枚BLUR已在7小时前转入Coinbase Prime

据余烬监测,昨天解锁的3585万枚BLUR已在7小时前转入Coinbase Prime。

2024-07-17 08:22:05
35.85 million BLUR was unlocked 25 minutes ago and transferred to a multi-sig address

According to on-chain analyst Ember monitoring, 35.85 million BLUR ($6.67M) was unlocked and transferred to the 0x0A0 multi-signature address 25 minutes ago, and the 0x0A0 multi-signature address also conducted a small deposit test with CoinbasePrime. These BLURs should continue to be transferred to CoinbasePrime as before. Since 2023/6/15 BLUR entered the unlock cycle, 25.47% (764 million) of the total amount of BLUR has been unlocked and flowed into CoinbasePrime. At the price at the time of t...

2024-07-16 08:57:55

据链上分析师余烬监测,3585万枚BLUR(6.67M美元)在25分钟前解锁转出至0x0A0多签地址,0x0A0多签地址同时向CoinbasePrime进行了小额存款测试,这些BLUR应该也会像之前一样接下来继续转入CoinbasePrime。 自2023/6/15BLUR进入解锁周期以来,已有25.47%(7.64亿枚)总量的BLUR解锁并流入CoinbasePrime。以转出时的价格计算,价值$280.28M。

2024-07-16 08:57:55